Inass Yassin Studio
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Inass Yassin Studio
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حلوات البلد
An exhibition that visually constructed from the imagery of love and joy from my childhood memories of the very colorful wedding celebrations during the 1980s in my Palestinian village, Asira Ashamalyieh, Nablus
Beauties of The Town
2022 Beauties of The Town, The Museum, The old center of Asira Ash-Shamalieh, Palestine
The exhibition Bride and Groom: Beauties of The Town, presents a diversified treatment of photographs borrowed from family albums and photos in Asira Al-Shamaliya town, most of which were developed and printed in the eighties of last century at Studio Cairo in Nablus. The albums contained scenes of the LOJE: the personalized colorful stage that was designed and built in the house or garden of each family celebrating a wedding.
In this exhibition, the artist Inass Yassin presents oil and watercolor paintings wit Al-Loje: The Rural Theater, performance, and multimedia installation as homage to Studio Cairo.
This exhibition Bride and Groom investigates through various methods of archiving and image making, the social history of the town focusing on the self-portraits of the brides and grooms and the mise en scene that shows in Family photos.
The exhibition Presented :
-Greetings, Water Color Paintings
-Bride and Groom, Oil Portraits.
-Al-Loje: The Rural Theater: Decorated stage and performance.
-Homage to Studio Cairo: Multimedia Installation in 2.5x 3.20 m, Framed Photos, Archival Video, Screen and Shelves.
This exhibition Bride and Groom is part of an ongoing project of research, archiving and visual production since 2019.
The project is in partnership with the municipality of Asira Al-Shamaliya and supported by the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture - AFAC، and A.M. Qattan Foundation, the Amideast Alumni Program and with contribution by Osama and Hadeel Yassin.
Beauties of The Town
Art Exhibition Opening at The Museum, Old town, Asira Ashamalyieh, Saturday 27th August 2022 at 4:00 pm
27th August- 4th September 2022
ذكريات الطفولة المخزنة في ذاكرتي وذاكرة أكثر من جيل حتى منتصف التسعينيات. عادت الي صور كثيرة من المسرح الملون الذي ظللت أحلم به حتى قمت بإعادة إنتاجه في وسط البلدة القديمة. لم أكن الوحيدة التي فرحت من كل قلبي لمشاهدة المسرح ماثلا أمامي مرة أخرى بعد عشرات السنين، وإنما مئات من أهل البلدة من أجيال عاصرت هذا المسرح في طفولتها. الجميع استمتع واندهش ورقص بفرح استعادة مسرح وعالم ملون مفقود خرج كالخيال من قلب البلدة القديمة لعدة أيام واختفى: فترة معرض حلوات البلد. من تجربتي مع المسرح خرجت مجموعة من الرسومات المائية الصغيرة نسيباً، التي تدور في فلك الفرح والألوان على ذلك المشرح الملون والتي آثرت على أعمالي بعد ذلك بشكل واضح.
Childhood memories, ingrained in my mind and the minds of multiple generations until the mid-nineties, came flooding back. The vibrant imagery of the colorful stage, a dream I had cherished, materialized when I recreated it in the heart of the old town. I wasn't the only one overwhelmed with joy to see the stage reappear before me after decades; hundreds of townsfolk, spanning generations that had experienced this stage in their youth, shared in the delight. As the colorful stage graced the heart of the old town during the Beauties of The Town exhibition, everyone reveled in its presence, dancing with joy for several days before it vanished once more. From this entire experience, I found myself infused with even more colors. Out of it emerged a collection of small watercolor drawings, capturing the essence of joy and vibrancy that characterized the stage, significantly influencing my subsequent works
Al-Loje: The Rural Theater: Decorated stage and performance.
Al-LOJE: The Rural Theater, interactive sculpture and performance, 2022
Exhibition: The Beauties of The Town. The Museum, The Old Town, Asira Ash-shamalyieh.
Dimensions: 3x4.5x3.45 m
Materials: wood, rugs, tapestries, textiles, chairs, balloons, plastic decorations and candies.
Al-LOJE: Performance at the Opening:
Zinnar Troup ,Osama Yassin, Hadeel Fadda, Kareem Yassin, Ritta Hamadneh
Production Assistants: Ahmad Dirar, Hanan Sawalha, Mo'az Hamadneh
اسم العمل : (اللوج: المسرح الريفي) من افتتاح معرض مزيونات البلد
اسم المعرض: مزيونات البلد ٢٠٢٢
اسم العمل : اللوج: المسرح الريفي
منحوتة وعمل أدائي تفاعلي
القياس الخارجي للمنحوتة المسرح: 3x4.5x3.45
المواد المستخدمة: اضاءات، من خشب، قماش، كراسي، سجاد، و مواد مختلفة ، وملبس.
عمل أدائي عروس وعريس في افتتاح المعرض :
أداء : أسامة ياسين، هديل فضة، كريم ياسين، ريتا حمادة و فرقة الزنار
#portraitartpalestine #iy_80sbridegroom #fanasira #inassyassin. #inassyassin_oil. #عالمنا_عربي_جميل
“Beauties of the Town” by Inass Yassin (Palestine) was one of the selected projects this year by The Arab Fund For Art and Culture.
الصندوق العربي للثقافة والفنون - آفاق
An exhibition that visually constructed from the imagery of love and joy from my childhood memories of the very colorful wedding celebrations during the 1980s in my Palestinian village, Asira Ashamalyieh, Nablus
Building The Theater
Installing the Banners
The Heart of The Old Center, last day.
Sweet Helpers
Prepare the Balloons
Sing Ritta sings, we are done.
The first group who arrived to celebrate the opening
The first group who arrived to celebrate the opening
A Star, Oil on Wood, 79x79x5 cm, 2022
This oil painting on wood portrays a young lady from my town, Asira Ashamaliyieh, near Nablus in Palestine. It is one of the portraits I exhibited in a solo show in the old center of Asira, "Beauties of The Town," dedicated to all the beautiful women in my life and who occupy my memories.
check the exhibition at:
My childhood in Asira is filled with lush, colorful images of celebrations, wedding songs, and many stories of platonic lovers. My paintings are about rural beauty, joy, and love. It all started with investigating social transformation, censorship on women's photos, and changes in the social fabric and, of course, the history of painting. Yet, I prefer to keep it simple: my work aims to replant these beautiful pictures using a complex and respected medium like oil paint, within the oldest genre of portraiture.
The young lady in "A Star" is depicted standing by the window, washing dishes with a liquid called "Star," manufactured in Nablus. The painting draws inspiration from the composition and light in Vermeer’s works, capturing a domestic scene bathed in soft, natural light.
The painting is executed on a wood panel that has been meticulously primed multiple times, preparing the surface for the intricate, multilayered process that includes multiple glazes and smudging techniques. This careful preparation ensures the richness and depth of the final artwork.
The young lady, illuminated by the gentle light filtering through the window, is the focal point of the painting. The light creates a beautiful interplay of blue highlights and shadows, enhancing the realism and tranquility of the scene.
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