Beauties of The Town
2022 Beauties of The Town, The Museum, The old center of Asira Ash-Shamalieh, Palestine
The exhibition Bride and Groom: Beauties of The Town, presents a diversified treatment of photographs borrowed from family albums and photos in Asira Al-Shamaliya town, most of which were developed and printed in the eighties of last century at Studio Cairo in Nablus. The albums contained scenes of the LOJE: the personalized colorful stage that was designed and built in the house or garden of each family celebrating a wedding.
In this exhibition, the artist Inass Yassin presents oil and watercolor paintings wit Al-Loje: The Rural Theater, performance, and multimedia installation as homage to Studio Cairo.
This exhibition Bride and Groom investigates through various methods of archiving and image making, the social history of the town focusing on the self-portraits of the brides and grooms and the mise en scene that shows in Family photos.
The exhibition Presented :
-Greetings, Water Color Paintings
-Bride and Groom, Oil Portraits.
-Al-Loje: The Rural Theater: Decorated stage and performance.
-Homage to Studio Cairo: Multimedia Installation in 2.5x 3.20 m, Framed Photos, Archival Video, Screen and Shelves.
This exhibition Bride and Groom is part of an ongoing project of research, archiving and visual production since 2019.
The project is in partnership with the municipality of Asira Al-Shamaliya and supported by the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture - AFAC، and A.M. Qattan Foundation, the Amideast Alumni Program and with contribution by Osama and Hadeel Yassin.
Beauties of The Town
Art Exhibition Opening at The Museum, Old town, Asira Ashamalyieh, Saturday 27th August 2022 at 4:00 pm
27th August- 4th September 2022